My grandmother was a devout Episcopalian who said Morning Prayer out of the Book of Common Prayer every morning since way before I knew her. We often had long philosophical and religious discussions as we walked the beach when I was a teenager. She would wonder aloud how I could have so many questions when, as far as she was concerned, her Book of Common Prayer and the Bible took care of all the deep matters that I was so curious about. I think it was a bit of a generation gap as well as different personalities.
Once, when she came to visit my home in later years, she offered to dry the dinner dishes I was washing. “Oh, no thank you,” I responded. “God dries my dishes.”
“Oh my!” she said. “Don’t you think God has more important things to do than dry your dishes?!”
“Of course He does!” I replied. “That’s why He created evaporation angels. They dry things as a matter of course and their help leaves me free to get on which other things.”
She laughed heartily and we left the dishes to the evaporation angels. “I suppose that’s fine as long as you don’t burden God with petty details like drying dishes!”
She laughed heartily and we left the dishes to the evaporation angels. “I suppose that’s fine as long as you don’t burden God with petty details like drying dishes!”
I knew about guardian angels early on from Sunday School and because people refer to them when they have narrow escapes from disasters. But I first became aware that I seemed to have my own personal everyday angels when my children were born. A friend had told me that the ideal way to have children was first a boy and, three years later, a girl. I said that sounded just perfect to me and I remember thinking about it when I became pregnant. My son was born on December 4th. Three years later, my daughter was born - on December 3rd. Hmmm. That got my attention.
What evolved out of that experience and the much earlier exchange with my grandmother was that, when I wanted something to happen in my life, I talked to my angels instead of asking God to take care of my puny little wishes. I talk to God mostly to say thank you every day and to wonder about the big things like protecting loved ones and those in harm's way, wildlife and their habitats; healing ills and illness; helping us as we strive for peace and social justice in the hearts of men and to save the planet – major concerns beyond my meager comprehension and for which I have no answers.
What evolved out of that experience and the much earlier exchange with my grandmother was that, when I wanted something to happen in my life, I talked to my angels instead of asking God to take care of my puny little wishes. I talk to God mostly to say thank you every day and to wonder about the big things like protecting loved ones and those in harm's way, wildlife and their habitats; healing ills and illness; helping us as we strive for peace and social justice in the hearts of men and to save the planet – major concerns beyond my meager comprehension and for which I have no answers.
My angels, on the other hand, perhaps friends and family who have gone on, seem to be on my life crew and their work on my life goals is incredibly precise. How else have my intentions been fulfilled right down to the fine details? Coincidence? There are just too many details that fall into place for mere chance to be in charge (e.g., see Da Kine Stories: Runaway).
Of course I have no understanding of how any of this works, but since I know God is incredibly busy creating stars and planets and trying to keep us from annihilating ourselves and our planet, I prefer a more humble approach. Bottom line, whoever is in charge is helping me to live most of my life my way - a champagne lifestyle on a soda-pop budget - and I am unspeakably grateful! Each and every day.
My Angels by Abby Freeborn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. For permission to use contact
Of course I have no understanding of how any of this works, but since I know God is incredibly busy creating stars and planets and trying to keep us from annihilating ourselves and our planet, I prefer a more humble approach. Bottom line, whoever is in charge is helping me to live most of my life my way - a champagne lifestyle on a soda-pop budget - and I am unspeakably grateful! Each and every day.
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