Sunday, November 6, 2011


Contributions Welcomed and Credited
Unless otherwise attributed Freely Born Words are created by Abby Freeborn and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. If you have a different source for any of the words listed above, please comment so proper acknowledgement  can be made.

Ignoromnibus (ig`nor`omni`bus) - (n) a person who knows nothing about everything and doesn’t know it (e.g., “That new freshman loves to show off, but he’s a real ignoromnibus.”)

Ignorrant (ig`nor`rant) - (n) a monologue that continues despite demonstrations of boredom by the audience (e.g., “Today I had to listen to a twenty minute ignorant about the President being a foreigner.”)

Ignorrant (ig`nor`rant - (adj.) 1. an argument that overlooks a preponderance of available evidence (e.g., “Politicians often make ignorrant assertions.”); 2. someone who is willfully inattentive (e.g., “She heard you; she’s just being ignorrant.”)

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