Alone with the sea on a moonless night.
I look for the line where water meets air.
It isn't there.
Have you ever completely lost faith in facts,
In what we all preach about Life, Cosmos, God?
Ever lost touch with your body, with Earth -
Your reason adrift?
Tonight, again, my soul slips its mooring.
Weightless and breathless, I waft like a breeze,
Not absent, but lulled beyond thought, beyond self,
By surf sounds and sky.
A shooting star streaks! and dies in its glory.
The question intrudes: “No, what is this - really?
What tiny connection have we to all this?”
I wait for reply.
Then soft, just below where my breath creates space
Comes a quiver of happiness, soundless delight.
Curious child with the wandering soul,
Before you asked...
You knew.
Ahu o Laka is the name of this sandbar in the midst of Kane`oha Bay on the windward side of the island of O`ahu.